Regarding Deep v Surface Learning:
Learning Outcome Examples:
- To create metaphors to demonstrate conceptual understandings and applications of theory.
- To develop workplace strategies from concepts introduced and discussed in class.
- To incorporate divergent opinions within written opinions.
Assessment Examples:
- Multi-level rubrics with specific criterion.
- Peer assessment/feedback that is aligned with agreed-upon and connected criterion.
- Individual oral discussion.
- Critiques of case studies to demonstrate understanding and extensions.
Assessment-Outcome Alignment:
- Rubrics that incorporate the criterion that was discussed with the group.
- Demonstrations and applications of the concepts.
- Products that complete the necessary criteria and offer extensions.
Examples of Uni- and Multi-structural Understanding:
- Identify the actors of social agency within a culture.
- Identify the key words and phrases within discourse or readings.
- Observe and calculate evidence.
- Compare and contrast two programs or curriculae.
Observe and/or comment on external posts: