OTL101 Reflections

Reflections on OTL 101

Previous Posts:

I particularly enjoyed the reading and assessment of the Hattie article on feedback. I felt the article was a fine synopsis of reviewing key research findings, but was remiss in omitting current practices and  lacked the personal connection to practical experience, the praxis.

Post 4 – Feedback on Hattie Article

Two Key Ideas:

  1. I gravitated towards the concept of being aware of the key words and phrases that students use in their discourse and writing. I do this when I read academic work, but have not done so with my students to any remarkable degree.
  2. I enjoyed examining and referring to the overview figure that depicted the SOLO taxonomy of sample verbs that illustrated levels of understanding.

Two Questions:

  1. How to become more familiar with the tools in the online course delivery? — working through these Pro-D experiences and facilitating a course is assisting in this regard, but still very much a novice.
  2. Can key word and phrase usage by students be incorporated into my assessment practice in an objective manner that adds depth to my reflection on the student’s ability and level of understanding?

Two Goals:

  1. To ascertain student personal perspectives and attitudes on concepts and tasks by the assessment of key words and phrases in their discourses and written work. — Action: To purposely code a student paper and email dialogue.
  2. To develop learning objectives that propel/guide student thought and engagement more purposefully by attending to the type of verbs used in the statements. — Action- Use the SOLO taxonomy of verbs and levels of understanding when developing objectives.