OTL301 – Post 2

How has my view on effective practice been altered?

The readings and personal reflection have directed me to improvement areas. Two specific directions come to mind, these being (1) drawing out participant thoughts more effectively on the concepts being covered, and (2) being more knowledgeable of where I can direct students to technical help when it is beyond my capacity.

How does my effective practice of immediate feedback, as discussed in Post 1, align with characteristics of teaching presence?

The following parallels are made:

Design and Organization – 4. Utilizing the medium effectively — The immediate feedback allows the instructor to address, and clarify, issues that are brought up in discussions and assignments.

Facilitating Discourse – 3. Encourages and Acknowledges — Immediate feedback recognizes the presence and value of the learner, as well acknowledges their learning, accomplishments, and progress.

Direct Instruction – 2. Specific and 4. Confirms Understanding — The immediate feedback practice allows the instructors to redirect when necessary and before further learning and opinions become more ‘off track’. The practice explains where ‘they are on’ and where they need to refine their learning/opinions.

Where has the idea of teaching presence led to making the practice more effective?

2.Facilitating Discussions – 4. drawing in Participants – I feel I have more capacity to develop in regards to drawing in the participants more– asking for further reflection or for more refinement of their positions.

3. Direct Instruction – 6. Inject Knowledge – I recognize that I can do more in the area of adding additional information to the process by redirecting to other academic information, such as related articles, and also by bringing in more of my personal experience in education and my research pracctice.